Tuesday, September 26, 2017

UFO Sightings Over West Texas-- Locals Fear Weirdness Outbreak

Nowhere, Tx. Once again residents of West Texas, and particularly those in the vicinity of Nowhere, are abuzz regarding yet another rash of strange occurrences in these parts. Unidentified flying objects have been seen by numerous residents of the area, which is not, in itself, newsworthy. Given that locals have been inundated with a decade of strange events, the fact that these folks remark on a weirdness requires the event be one that raises the eyebrows of these unwitting connoisseurs of the strange and unnatural. The event that checked all of those boxes seems to have been the recent period six weeks when the entire town was moved to a planet somewhere near Vega. Thus far the West Texas Tumbleweed is trying to assemble accounts of the experience, but one thing is for certain: time travel was involved and the paradoxes are troubling if you are a lover of normalcy.