Monday, August 5, 2019

Tumblin' Tumbleweeds Tumble Far in Distance Events

Nowhere Tumbleweed Races and Hex-Fest is about to begin, with the most highly anticipated race this season, the distance tumble, beginning first. The competition will continue until tumbleweeds are yonder enough that everyone loses interest in that sort of thing and goes back to the usual pursuits like cactus topiary tending and counting the thorns on all of the surrounding brush, most of which has some sort of thorns. With the never-ceasing leisure opportunities in the area, it's easy to imagine these things barely hold anyone's attention, but, luckily there are many other exciting things happening. The events will start when they do, the beginning signaled by the giant cowbell in the Nowhere Town Square. Fun will include an appearance by The Wicked Witch of West Texas, who is set to terrify the town with sky writing and the announcement of several hexes as a celebration of the town's strange history. Everyone in town will attend this event for obvious reasons. Hexes are expected to target certain ridiculous evil-doers who would if they could challenge a certain Wicked Witch's dominance in the field. To this end there will be a Herb the Battle Unicorn stampede and dance contest. Other events include a time travel thought experiment workshop, an anvil drop booth and a trickster adoption station. Get yerselves to Nowhere and join the fun.