Monday, January 13, 2020

Unusual Mechanical Device Found Yonder

Nowhere, Tx-- Folks are yammerin' today on the subject of a weird mechanical device found this morning in the vicinity of JimBob's Barbeque in Nowhere. The device looked like one of those court reporter machines and was emblazoned with the words Medusa Recordex. One person attempted to turn on said device this morning, only to be reduced to a theorizing blob of excessive metaphysical blathering. The victim, who wishes to be known as The Entity Formerly Known as Jim-Roger, has announced a bunch of nonsense we can't begin to decipher and he gave away his giant monster truck to the nearest passerby with some absurd advice along the lines of "Here's my truck. You shouldn't keep it, but that is a matter of your own eternal journey." Something like that. Folks were considering locking him up in the town jail and equipment shed, but since he wasn't really doing any harm and he was giving away a bunch of his stuff, it was agreed that he should be left to his own devices. As of this writing the Medusa Recordex has seemingly vanished or been stolen. It is now being investigated for links to the Wicked Witch of (formerly) West Texas. There are indications it may have been taken to our sister city of Walla Walla, as stories are surfacing in those parts regarding this odd contraption.

Meanwhile the tumbleweed races have taken a strange turn in our alternative city of Walla Walla after a bunch of extremely strong wind set the critters in motion, causing extreme episodes of blockage. What this ambiguous event portends is difficult to divine, however whisperings indicate that there has been a recent Wickidity realignment in those parts and it may have involved sky writing.