Friday, May 21, 2010

People Talkin' Funny Today. Hex?

 (pictured: Bill the UPS man)

Breaking... West Texas seems to have been hit by a strange phenomenon today, as numerous residents began to speak in strange accents, and perform other odd behavior. One UPS man was seen miming as he delivered packages. The Nowhere florist has suddenly developed a British accent, and a local horse trader is using King James English. The fire department has been taken over by black beret wearing artistes, all of whom bear an uncanny resemblance to the firefighters.

Some have suggested that the area has been hit by yet another hex by the Wicked Witch of West Texas, but she has not done any sky writing taking credit for the weirdness. Mass hysteria is another possible explanation, or maybe there's something in the water. We will continue to investigate these odd occurrences some explanation is found. Mayor Bubba Hicks was asked for a comment, but he's been unusually silent lately.